Sunday, August 2, 2009

Am I going to achieve the goal?

I'm feeling a bit nervous and worried now!!! Because tomorrow I'm going to have my 1st business. I'm asking myself one question...Am I going to achieve the goal? This is an answer that I'm really not sure. One most important thing that which I know is I must be confident to face all the troubles. Maybe this time I will not be successful. If I really fail in this business, I must make sure that this will be the last failure for me, I will not give up anymore. ' You cant ask for chances, because chances are always created by yourself ' , this sentence always exist in my heart. Wish the god will bless me.


  1. God will always bless those who work hard and put in effort in their works. So TRY YOUR BEST AND BE THE BEST!!! IF YOU CAN, YOU CAN!!!

  2. hey, fail once is not a problem..but fail twice nor a problem. As u said, chances are create by no nid afraid of failures..yet oppurtunities are waiting for u!!! God Bless...
