Monday, August 17, 2009



Something that I want to say to my ex-gf

At first, I really need to apologize to my ex-gf, I appreciate that what you did for me before. Maybe before I shouldn't have bad temper or scold you, that is the things make me feel regret. Recently I were unhappy, but this unhappy life make me to understand somethings again that which I forgot long time ago, ' If you really love someone, you will hope that she is happy and can find someone who is suitable for her.' Yes, you found him, so you should treasure him in your life. Hmm..I of couse will send my wishing to you. Always be happy^^ Im ok in KL

Saturday, August 15, 2009

I really feel stress long time ago...I need a new beginning!!!Arr!!! mid term results were very bad, my feeling also is very down. Everyday I just hope people around me are happy, but I never think of myself, who will bring happiness to me? Sometimes I will feel very stupid bcoz I did some stupid things in my life, but no one will appreciate it. I think that I will not do it again anymore, that is really suck. I hope to have a new love relationship but I couldn't find, it have make be tired. I just hope to have someone who really really care of me and I also love her so much, I don't want to chase someone who feel lonely and just want to have a relationship, that one is really no point for me. This also is the reason why sometimes I still cant forget bout my ex-gf bcoz I still haven't find a girl is better than her or love me so much and care of me so much. In a relationship,I don't want there is just me do everythings for her and my gf and she not so cares of me. Now, im feeling tired, and I really will stop to do everytings those the stupid things, I hate myself, I need a new beginning start from now( 15 Augst 2009-14.28pm ). If one day when you realise why Alson will become like that, don't ask why, bcoz you all couldn't ask what is my feeling before. Im a normal human also, got feeling also, will feel sad also. Yet, there is still have some of my friends will care of me, Im so glad to meet them.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Am I going to achieve the goal?

I'm feeling a bit nervous and worried now!!! Because tomorrow I'm going to have my 1st business. I'm asking myself one question...Am I going to achieve the goal? This is an answer that I'm really not sure. One most important thing that which I know is I must be confident to face all the troubles. Maybe this time I will not be successful. If I really fail in this business, I must make sure that this will be the last failure for me, I will not give up anymore. ' You cant ask for chances, because chances are always created by yourself ' , this sentence always exist in my heart. Wish the god will bless me.

Saturday, August 1, 2009





Wednesday, July 29, 2009

This is a lonely night again...

I just came back from yam cha with my friend who called Rhu Bing. Now I stay in my quiet room, the lonely feeling is coming out from my heart again...not only tonight, this a few nights. Now Im trying to start my Law assignment, but still dont have the motivation to do it, why arr??? I really really need to thank of my friend who called Michelle, she always chat with me. Actually she is a good girl, but her boyfriend treat her not well, really hope that she will be fine soon. When will I find a happy life, hoping...where are my friends??? dont know...But I heard that Howard said Sharie is coming back soon, Im so happy, she is one of my best friend also.haha.